Saturday, October 20, 2007

busy busy bee

I have been crazy taking photos of all the cool stuff I bought down in Texas and then editing the photos and now I am starting to list everything on etsy. Whew! On top of that I have stores wanting to order jewelry, I have a BIG magazine wanting to do an article on my silhouette necklaces (eek) and of course there's all the normal life stuff like laundry and dishes and dog hair everywhere...
But life is good. I can't complain. I like being busy. I have a crop of new ideas rollling around the old noggin for christmas stuff!

I got my first taste of winter last weekend. We went up to my cabin in the woods and stayed the night and when we woke up in the morning there was 6 inches of snow!! It was GORGEOUS!

My brother, Taylor in the canoe.

My husband fishing.

My brother fishing.

The boys ended up catching a brookie and a rainbow (trout that is). We took them home and I cooked them for dinner the next night and they were so good. Even my husband liked them and he hates fish.

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