Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Blog like you mean it. Take three?

ooooh. I am in so much trouble.
I had this blog thing going so well and I had people actually reading it and then...
I blew it.
I'm sorry.
What can I say? I got really really busy and I forgot to take pictures and then I felt like a post without a picture isn't worth posting.
I'm still really busy so we'll see if I can keep this going... again.



Jenny said...

Hi Whitney, just stopping by to say hi! I thought you were just leaving the post of the rooster up for dramatic effect! :) Hope things are going great for you guys!!

Nicole said...

it's never easy to keep a rhythm, and especially when the seasons change and the holiday season rolls around, egh! :-) Well, good luck--whether blogging or not, I hope you're well!

just stopped by to wish you a joyous holiday season. i recently listed a free calendar download on my blog if you're interested in checking it out!