Friday, November 30, 2007

Warning! this blog has been taken over... along with every other part of my life

The belly chronicles... What on earth could this woman be talking about?

Is she thinking of herself as the new Santa Claus? - no
Did she recently take up belly dancing? -no
Is she devoting her life to helping starving children? - very sad, but no
Did she eat too much last night? - no
Uh oh, gastro-intestinal disorders? - no
New piercings? - no
Tape worms? - no


By Golly! I believe they call that a 'baby bump'.

Now do you all understand why I've been just a teeny bit distracted?
I'm very sorry. I wanted to share the news with you right away but I'm a little superstitious. So, every time I sat down to write about something nothing would come but baby thoughts. Well now, whether you all like it or not this blog will be hijacked by baby thoughts, pregnant mumblings and mommy worries.
I hope that's ok. It'll be interesting. I promise.

Until the next post, Happy Birthday to me!
And Happy December to you!


1 comment:

Cance said...

ohmygoodness! congratulations! happy news.
best wishes :D