Wednesday, March 21, 2007

which way do I run

Do you ever feel like you have so many choices you don't know what to do first? I constantly feel like that.
I get all these ideas up in my noggin' and I have a hard time managing my time to get them all done.
Today I need to update my website with all the freshly sold items.
I need to make more jewelry because I am running low.
I need to take new jewelry over to The Artists' Nook.
I also need to send an invoice out to Beyond for her order.
I should call that girl that wrote me a bad check for the third time and remind her kindly to pay me again.
I would like to go to the fabric store and look for some new purse patterns that I could revamp.
I would like to figure out what all I am going to take to Texas to sell and how on earth I am going to display it.
I need to decide if I want to be in the highlands street fair again.
I should eat breakfast somewhere in there.
I would love to have a ton of jewelry to take to Texas. a few purses, some pieces of art, and a handful of cash to spend while I'm there.

Have you ever been to the roundtop/warrenton antique fair?
It happens twice a year. Last year was my first year. I go with my mom and help her sell her antiques but I also get to go off on my own and find cool junk. The best spot I've found so far is Clutter. Beads By Sandy is also there, and Uncommon Goods (my other favorite). Not to mention the hundreds of random people just selling their wares.
It is like a different world. One where everybody is nice nad ready to cut you a deal (ok, not everybody, but most people).
A world where you can find the most obscure things you can think of.
A world where the Texas bar-b-que comes in a styrofoam cup and tastes so good at the end of a long day washed down with a Shiner Bock.
A world where Sharon from Sack Lunch (out back behind Clutter) is queen and she happily gives me sandwiches and cookies and even shares her dinner.
A world where there is humidity (enough to make me feel good compared to Colorado) and sunshine and green hills and blue bonnets and wild pigs and gigantic spiderwebs.
A world where there are gypsies and junk.

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