I used to have short "Rosemary's Baby" style hair for years.

Not always the same cut but always a short cropped 'do.
Then I couldn't find a reliable hairdresser so I stopped cutting it and it just kept growing and growing. It had been so long since I had had long hair (like 5th grade). I thought it made me look more womanly and it did make me feel pretty sexy. But now I just have this long tangled mop on top. I semi-recently got bangs, just for a little change and I do like them but I'm really not the blow-dryer type and I think when my hair is long it may need that sort of TLC.
So, I'm thinking about chopping it all off.
It's my husband's fault.
He loves me with short hair (he loves me any way but you know what I mean)
Here are my main concerns:
1. I read, way back in the beginning of this pregnancy, that you shouldn't do anything too drastic to your appearance. That your hormones might be playing a trick on you and you'll wind up regretting it later... Now as I type this I realize that that sounds ridiculous. I probably read it in that crappy "what-your-girlfriends-won't -tell-you guide to pregnancy" book. The one that spent an entire chapter on how ugly and unfair maternity underwear are. But regardless, what if I don't like it? Then I'll feel a little pudgy and ugly.
2. Short hair will make me look chubby.
I've gained 25 pounds so far and even though I know I shouldn't be, I'm a little self conscious about it. It's just not what I'm used to. What if my new hair-do makes me look like a pinhead! Because the weight gain certainly has not been to my head.
3. I will have to get it cut and dyed waaaay more often.
4. I do not currently have a hairdresser that I trust completely. I don't even have a "regular" hairdresser. I seem to have a hard time finding a really good one.
Here's what I really wish:
I wish I could just show up at a magical salon where the stylists are all nice and everyone's hair is beautiful. Then the most super talented hair cutter of them all would ask what I want and I would say: "I feel blah, will you please cut my hair and make me feel absolutely drop-dead stunningly gorgeous?"
snip snip, chop chop a little blonde highlights and voila;
Here are some really good things about short hair:
1. Sooo easy.
Say I roll out of bed one morning after the baby is born and I actually need to leave the house for something, say, more diapers, I am 99% sure my hair will look fantastic.
2. Short hair does look cute on me. I'm lucky I'm one of those girls who can get away with barely-there hair.
3. Short hair makes me feel more youthful and spunky. I think edgy might be an appropriate word too.
So there you have it. What's a girl to do?

Oh my goodness! I totally had that same Rosemary hair cut too! For YEARS! I loved it but have grown mine out. I just got bangs as well. I am getting used to it.
I like the short cut because I tended to dress more feminine.... I love that short style with little vintage dresses:)
My hubby loves short hair too.
I actually had the shorter style while I was pregnant and it was super easy.
You would look great with the cut!
I am wavering back and forth about mine. You have made me lean more towards short!
i say do it. it sounds like you know what you're doing. you've had it before. and you're right about the short hair always looking fabulous thing. i really love your blog + your jewelry! :)
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