I've been camping.
For me, camping has always been about finding a spot far, far away from any roads or any other campers. Parking your car and trucking your gear down/up to the campsite. Setting up tents, finding enough firewood for the night, setting up the food area and then kicking back with a cold beer in your hand. If you're lucky enough, the next day you don't have to go home and you get to explore and hike and play with the dogs.
This weekend I got to go redneck camping for the first time. What makes a camping trip a 'redneck' camping trip you ask?
Well, It starts with beer.
Add four-wheelers, loud dirt bikes and big dualie diesel trucks.
Add to that more beer.
Add steaks, brauts, stews and more beer.
Add hunters. Hundreds of hunters on four-wheelers with guns and bows and arrows.
Then add more beer.
Let me tell you I still really enjoy my familiar way of camping but this weekend was a lot of fun. There were seven of us total. We played all-terrain croquet (I highly reccomend this). We blew up a can of beer in the fire and burnt holes in everyone's chairs. We peed in the woods. We tried to heat a glass bottle in the fire and then twist it, but I think we accidentally tempered the glass and it ended up breaking. We ate, and we ate and then we ate some more. We had roasted marshmellows and banana boats. We took the dogs to a nearby moose pond and let them play. We laughed a lot and slept very well (even though it was pretty chilly). We made cowboy coffee and used a dutch oven to make stuffed orange breakfast thingys. We went four wheeling and fishing. We got dirty and forgot to brush our teeth. We slept in and stayed up late. We got rained on and made our way back home.
The battery in my camera died halfway through the trip but here are some of the photos I got.
Our little village.

Our new tent.

My husband.

Our campfire.

And here are some pictures of the moose pond.

And here is my lovely Lucky dog.

Your black lab looks just like mine. Too cute!
This looked like SO MUCH FUN!! I liked the disclaimer at the top too. :O) Next time save room for me - my brothers and I are pros at melting bottles in the campfire!! (Shiner Bock bottles work pretty good - they are thicker!) Hahaha!!!!! ;)
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