Sunday, September 30, 2007

trick or treat

Halloween is right around the corner. Well, maybe down the block and to the right
but I digress (I've always liked that phrase).
I need a good costume. I haven't really gotten into Halloween for years even though it is one of my favorite holidays.

In the past I have been a ballerina, a cowgirl (more than once), a person who could dance with themself (I was half girl, half boy) I was wearing a suit and half a tie on one side and a pretty pink dress with tights on the otherside, it was awesome! I've been a pixie, a farmer, and a frozen vampire. But this year? I need something good...

I wish I had photos to go with this part, but here are some of the best costumes I've ever seen or heard about:

Glowstick stick person. (you can search youtube for an example.)
Last year I saw a guy wearing a wrapped box with a big tag on it that said "To: Women From: God"
I just read about a guy dressing all in grey with cotton balls glued to himself and carrying a squirt bottle, he was "partly cloudy with a chance of rain"
I saw a woman a few years ago who was dressed in black with numbers all over herself, she was "somebody you could count on"

Who are you going to be?


1 comment:

Meghan said...

I know a guy who wore bunny ears and carried around a feather duster.. he was a 'dust bunny'. As for me.. I'm not sure yet but maybe Mahna Mahna from the muppets.. or one of the little characters that follows him around.