Some days I wake up and I feel like my tummy has doubled in size overnight! It's funny because I get so used to looking at it (my belly) that I can't tell anymore if it is getting any bigger or not. My appetite is rather large, so all that food must be going somewhere!
I met my lovely Grandma for lunch on Monday and she took one look at me (sitting down) and said "You're not getting any bigger!" I said, "yes I am, you just can't tell right now. I gained a whole pound last month" Then she looked at me very seriously and said, "You're not trying to not gain weight, are you?" Obviously this woman doesn't see me eat... I've always eaten everything in sight. My Grandpa used to say I must have a hollow leg because he couldn't figure out where I put it all! Well now imagine me (already a big eater) eating for two. I can almost eat as much as my big hockey player husband!
Anyway on to other topics. I think I wore out my printer. I've been printing onto card stock a lot lately and I think I broke the paper feed because now it only takes in select sheets of regular paper when it feels like it. Ugh. So I have to go get a new printer today. I also poured the resin for all of my silhouettes last night and something happened. Maybe they got cold. But half of them are no good, filled with little bubbles. The EXTREMELY icky part about this is I had used my last rings for each othese different styles and now I have to try to peel the resin back out to start all over. I might also mention that I am now out of resin. Then on top of all of this I still have more jewelry and journals I need to make for this saturday~ as well as invent a contraption that can hang a larg map behind my booth... and tomorrow is shot because I am going to Denver for a spur of the moment sale...
The ONLY good part about all of this is that if I leave the house I get to go to Cafe Ardour and get a house chai and a bagel and whatever else goodies they have today.
Last weekend it was Mexican Chocolate Pound Cake. mmmmm... It was so good, chocolate with cinnamon and chile.
Oh! speaking of yummy things. The dogs (my lovely. FOUR. big. dogs.) Really like Ginger Sparkle Cookies too. I left them in the house while I went to get Nepalese take-out (more about this in a sec) last night and they ate the whole plate of them! And the bread... and the butter... and whatever else was on the counter that I can't remember...
So I guess it is time to make more cookies. Sure. I'll just whip those out real quick, like when I'm sleeping!
Last thought. As I said, last night I went out and got take-out from Mt Everest Cafe. It. Was. So. Good. I walked in and the very friendly sherpa took my order. He asked if I would like to sit down while I wait and have a cup of hot chai. I told him I would love to, but I needed to run next door really quick. I went and bought a couple movies at blockbuster. I came back, grabbed the paper and sat down. He brought me a delicious cup of hot chai and I did the crossword puzzle while I waited. It was lovely and the food is delicious and the portions are large.
I walked back out to my car, which I had parked inbetween the restaurant and blockbuster, in front of The Battery Store (let me mention my car was the only one in whole strip of available parking spots and the store was closed by the time I finished my errands) Anywho, the lovely battery store employee had left me a little love note on my windsheild.
It read:
This parking spot is for The Battery Store customers only.
No Restaurant Parking!!! (and as if this wasn't enough he was kind enough to reiterate)
(underline, underline, underline)
I kid you not, there were a plethora of exclamation points. The possibiltities started to swarm through my head...
"Dear sir, thank you for your extensive use of exclamation points, I wasn't sure I understood what you were saying until you repeated it the second time..."
or maybe
"Wow! that's a lot of exclamation points, maybe someone with so much free time should MAKE A SIGN that says Battery Parking Only!"
I decided to leave him with this.
"I'm sorry!!!!! Maybe you should put up a sign. xo"
I hope he got to work today and it made him smile, even if just for a split second.
"Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind."
-Henry James
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