Thursday, February 7, 2008

Good morning Ray

The sweetest thing keeps happening.

Every morning when I first wake up I lay very still and I get to look at all of my lovely dogs peacefully sleeping by my side.
For a precious 5 minutes I get to watch them sleep without them knowing I'm watching. And then, like magic, one of them will open their eyes and see that my eyes are open and all bets are off! It's an immediate lick-fest. I have to fight my way out from under the sheets and off of the bed.

Then the day starts.

Well, to add to the already deliciousness of the moment I get to spend without my dogs knowing I'm awake, little baby Ray has joined in the circus. Every morning, almost by the clock, I get woken up by a sweet pitter patter in my belly. It's as if he's waking up, stretching out as much as he can and then drumming out a little ditty on my ribs.



Chakra Pennywhistle said...

That is the sweetest thing ever. I remember feeling Mia in my tummy. Its just the most precious little experience.

Have a happy day,

A Yoga Mama is a Rama Mama said...

I think your blog is cute and clever! I can't remember how I stumbled upon it, but I'm also pregnant as well and it makes me smile. I am passing along the Excellent Blog Award to you (part of receiving it is giving it to 10 other bloggers - have fun!). Come "claim" it from my post today:
