Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Do you ever find yourself mindlessly surfing the internet. Struggling to find something of meaning and at the same time being completely bored by the process?

I hate that.

I get overwhelmed by the constant bombardment of stimulation. It's all new and shiny and pretty and completely the same as the last thing I saw yesterday. I think it's actually pretty hard to find constant inspiration from such a fickle media. I think I function better when I keep my relationship with the internet (almost) strictly business.

But still, I find I have to peel myself away from the screen and forcibly close the laptop.

Time to go make something.

On the agenda today:


grocery store ~ frozen strawberries

Strawberry Cupcakes (a little valentine's day treat thanks to Martha)

something I'm dyeing to show you...


silhouette proofs

etsy orders and post new stuff


1 comment:

Cance said...

happy valentine's day! ...just passing on the love :D thanks so much for including me in your list of blogs. i will of course pass it along! i'm sorry too that our trade never worked out, but you've certainly got your hands full! whenever you want, get in touch with me...i'm more than happy to do some drawings (or anything else you might like) for you!
all my best.