Thursday, January 3, 2008

putting the world in perspective

I had a fantastic day today.
You know one of those days where the radio won't stop playing good songs, traffic lights turn green, and every store you go into is having a sale.

Not to mention...


I'm so excited.

So my day rocked, I found everything I needed (knitting needles, yarn, kitchen jars, vintage slips) and all of it was on sale. I was driving home, grooving to a little AC/DC when I realized that there was a funeral procession in front of me. Today was grey and overcast and I started thinking about what those people must be feeling. Isn't it strange how when you stop and think about it you're just one small, tiny, itty, bitty part of this world and your good day might be someone else's bad?
It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

"Be kind - everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." -John Watson

Speaking of, there's a story my mom told me that has affected the way I react to annoying situations. This is how I remember it:
One day there was a woman stuck in traffic, driving across town. She was getting very upset at the lady in front of her who kept slamming on her brakes, swerving the car and basically driving like a moron. Finally, she was able to pass the other woman and as she drove past she shot her a nasty 'I'll teach you' look and realized that the woman in the other car had a baby in the backseat who was choking.
That's my motto.
Baby in the backseat.
You NEVER know what is going on with other people. NEVER.
Take a wild guess and you're probably not even close to the truth.


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