Wednesday, January 9, 2008

today's 10 good things about being pregnant

So here I am.
It's 8:45 I'm dressed and ready to go to my first yoga class (finally) and it's cancelled.
No big deal, really, I guess I'll go on Friday instead.

What is it about doing new things that is hard?
Sometimes, if I don't think about them (the new things) too much and don't have all of this time to plan and imagine what they'll be like, it really is no big deal.
But other times...
ask me if I like doing yoga (yes)
ask me if I want to get out of the house meet some more pregnant mommies (yes)
ask me if I'd like to go and just stretch for an hour (yes)
but ask me if I want to go to a yoga class right now and I freeze (well, um, maybe, um).
What is that?

A fear of the unknown. I've struggled with that. I like to know as much as I can about something before I do it.

I'm happy to say that being pregnant is different.
I'm excited to learn as I go and fly by the seat of my pants. It's like an adventure. A private adventure just for me and my husband. The more the baby moves and the more I learn about things that have to do with actually living with this new little person, the more excited I get. As you know, in the beginning I was a little dismayed by the books filled with all the what-could-go-wrongs and I swear everything I read only talked about annoying things that could happen when you're pregnant. Like hemorrhoids and varicose veins. And back pain and heartburn. And stretch marks and gum disease. I still haven't found the book that points out all of the good things but I have begun to watch for them. So here is:

Today's 10 Good Things About Being Pregnant:
1. Feeling the baby move.
2. Watching my tummy move when he kicks.
3. Knowing he's a healthy little boy.
4. Learning about baby wearing.
5. Second hand maternity clothes shopping.
6. Knitting little sweaters and hats for my boy.
7. Always having a comfortable place to put my hands.
8. Big sexy boobs.
9. Sea salt scrub on a growing belly.
10. Delicious homemade food.

Remind me next post to tell you about my mom's recipe for quiche.
I will admit, I am addicted.


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