We were all ready to snuggle into the couch. My husband was making me smothered burritos and I had just gotten over emotional outburst number 4, or was it 5. Our skinny black dog was laying on the couch and he didn't want to get up to eat so we gave him his food 'in bed' and giggled about how spoiled our dogs are. Then when I reached for his empty bowl I noticed he had been licking his chest a lot. I took a brief glance and everything looked fine. My husband took a closer peek and found a puncture wound the size of a nickel right next to his armpit! Forget the burritos, we ushered mick into the car and off to the emergency vet's office we went. Poor Mickey, we had to sit there for a couple of hours and then the vet came in and said they would have to stitch it up and they'd call us when he was all done a ready to be picked up. About 1:00 am we went back and picked up our poor morphine laden Mick. The wound had tore a small amount of muscle so she had to stitch that up and then close the opening (except for a drainage hole, lovely, I know.) He now has to wear a t-shirt to keep from picking at the stiches and then there's antibiotics, pain meds and an appointment in 2 weeks to get the stitches out. I tried to find the most masculine shirt I had so that the other dogs wouldn't laugh at him.

So today it's just me and Mick. All of the others are outside entertaining themselves.
Wishing you a happy new year.
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