Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I think I swallowed a goldfish

The baby moved!

It all started after my emotional outburst #5. I was feeling upset because everyone kept asking me if the baby had moved yet and I really wasn't sure, and everyone just kept saying "oh, you'll know!" (Which is a very annoying answer to me so I'll try to describe what it feels like so that if anyone else is reading this they might feel better.)

Anywho, I was laying in bed that night and it felt like a little goldfish flopped over in my belly. You know when they buck their head and tail and flip over. That's what it felt like. But that was it, so I went to sleep not sure what I had felt.

The next morning I was sitting on the couch and felt a little something flutter. Kinda like the fish feeling but a little more pokey. I put my hand on my belly and felt it again! With my hand! I wasn't completely sure I was feeling the baby because I get a little gassy every now and then and sometimes that feels a little fluttery too. But I sat really still and it felt like the flutter was moving around. But I still wasn't 100% convinced...

Later that night I was sitting on the couch again and I was telling my husband about the little flutters when I felt another one. I grabbed his hand and put it on my belly and the little baby moved again and he felt it too! We sat there for about 20 minutes feeling the baby move and groove. At one point s/he had slowed down so I started knitting again and then s/he kicked right straight under my belly button and made me jump! My husband was laughing so hard.

It really was an absolutely wonderful moment.


P.S. My next doctor's appointment is tomorrow morning.
If the baby cooperates we're going to find out if it's a boy or a girl!

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