Tuesday, January 1, 2008

just a little, tiny complaint

Sometimes it can be lonely being the first one to do things.
We're the first couple in our group to get married and now the first to have a baby. Everyone is so insanely excited for us but most of our friends are boys and they all dream of producing a little hockey team all on their own. I only have a couple of good girlfriends and they're nowhere near this stage in their lives. My tiny complaint is that right now all I hear from are women who's children are grown. I'd like to hear from some women my age. I need some good books to read. So far, all of the ones I have picked up are mostly about what might go wrong. I want a book that celebrates what is going right. Does that exsist? I just want a little reassurance at times and a little humor and maybe some spirituality mixed in there. Any suggestions?
I do believe that when you are searching for answers, if you sit still and pay attention, you'll find them.
So, here I am.
Sitting still.
Just waiting...



Anonymous said...

Congratulations Whitney! There are lots of icky books out there concerning babies. I got rid of every copy of What to Expect..cause its ridiculously depressing. I do like The Baby Book, by DR.Sears. Its good advice that doesn't have you running to the doctor every 5 minutes. He and his wife had many children and there are moments of wisdom from her too. I have never needed another reference.
I have 2 girls now. Youngest is 5 months. And although my grandfather never got to meet them, he was a wise obgyn, who just believed in believing in yourself and your body.
I like your blog and make lots of things too. I missed Handmade Holiday because I was doing another show that weekend, but would love to know how it went.
Heide in Broomfield

Chakra Pennywhistle said...

Hi there Whitney,

Not sure if you would remember me. I bought a custom pendant from you a couple of months ago. It was of my little gal Mia. I just have to tell you that I adore it! It is so lovely.
I have been following your blog since my purchase and wanted to congratulate you on the baby:)
I read this post and it sounds so familiar. I am in the same boat as you when it comes to being the first parent in a group of friends. It can be lonely and kinda tough sometimes. I also threw away my What to Expect books. I did subscribe to a couple of parenting magazines in the beginning but to tell you the truth, they could be a little scary too.
As far as advice goes, I would just say to surround yourself in neat little things that only babies can bring into your life. Pick out colors every day, smell the lotion, read lots and lots of board and picture books. Also, I am lucky enough to have the help of my grandmother and mother-in-law. While advice is given quite often, I remember being told once that its best to smile , really listen and take only what you need and feel comfortable with. It has worked so far:)
I wish you the very best! I love your blog. The chalkboard just about makes me want to have another baby just so that I can do it! Well, maybe not:)